Cobra Car Club of Victoria

Feature Car!
CCCV has over one hundred active members, here is some detail on a selection of our rides

Owner: Dave
Joined CCCV: 2008
Lives in: Aspendale
Buy or Build: Buy
Year: 1987
First Registered: 1990
Kit: Dax
Motor: windsor Dart/Stroker
Gearbox: ZF 6 Speed
Front Suspension: Jag
Rear Suspension: Jag
Wheels: Halibrand Knock-on 15"
Paint: Red - no stripes, plenty of stickers though
Interior: Leather - Beige
Favourite feature of the car: Sound

Why a Cobra?
I have always been into cars and bikes. I restored a couple of jags back in the ninties and had an RX 7 that I used for track days - Bridge ported rotary was fun but (according to some people) sounded a bit funny. I liked the idea of a road registerable go-kart with a big ass motor- something that would handle really well on the track and could be used on the road- enter the Cobra. Probably should have done a bit more research on the handling thing!

What have you done to the car?
First thing I did was fit a super charger (just to expose the handling shortfalls even more) that lasted about 18months until the motor expired. New Dart block, bored/stroked/roller cam and now it doesn’t really need the blower. Still running a Demon 750 carb- May consider re-attaching the blower one day. I have had a soft top made for the weekends away with the club. Car still needs better brakes and lower diff ratio (currently 3.31)- one of these days I will get around to that.

What do you like doing with your car and the Cobra Club
Sue & I both like doing the club days and especially the weekends away, the people we have met and the fun times we have had with the club have been awesome - From Alpine runs, Tassie trips, Ocean road and Snowy Mountains-driving the car is always fun and never boring.