Cobra Car Club of Victoria

Club News

Historic Winton to Feature Cobras
ADDED BY:President, Monday December 5 2011 at 11:44:38 PM
Historic Winton is run by the Austin 7 Club, each year a marque is selected to be featured and 2012 being the 50th aniversary, the Austin 7 Club has chosen the Cobra.

The CCCV has been invited by the Austin 7 Club to display a number of period correct vehicles during Historic Winton.

More details will be provided as we get closer to the event.

Welcome to CCCV News
ADDED BY:Webmaster, Tuesday November 22 2011 at 9:59:55 PM
We will now be putting regular club news items on the website. This will include such things as items discussed in the official portion of our monthly meetings, and other items of note to club members and the Cobra community in general.

We encourage you to check the website frequently for new club news.

Happy Cobra'ing!

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