Cobra Car Club of Victoria

Club News

2014 Annual General Meeting results
ADDED BY:Webmaster, Thursday August 14 2014 at 8:17:40 PM
Dear Members,

The CCCV AGM has been and gone, I was fortunate enough to be elected as President for the coming year and am very excited to have been elected.

The new Committee is as follows;

President: Rohan Smith
Vice President: Jeremy Bland
Treasurer/Secretary: Peter Duncan
Membership Manager: John Stanic
Club Permit Officer: Michael Barber
Competition Coordinator: Tony Welsh
Social Committee Coordinator: Mic Ferronato
Webmaster: Ben Holko

I wish to personally thank Michael and the previous Committee for their efforts over the past couple of years and hope to make the club more inclusive.

The best asset we have is the wonderful Web Site that everyone should visit regularly as this is the easiest and most up to date communication tool we have. Ben the webmaster is in the process of updating the membership area with an automated system that will enable members to self-manage their contact details (the biggest complaint from members is they are not contacted) so it’s now up to you to manage, just like your Direct Debits and Facebook.

The Committee is moving forward with new events, regular contact and improved visibility so why not come along for the ride.


Rohan Smith

Shed Run Saturday 21st June 2014
ADDED BY:Webmaster, Saturday June 21 2014 at 9:09:14 PM
EDITED BY:Webmaster, Saturday June 21 2014 at 9:10:00 PM

The weather forecast for the winter solstice improved overnight …from “rain “ to “ scattered showers “ . The BOM radar looked ..ok … still dark at 7.25 am a number of brave souls headed to Mics home for coffee and a bit of breakfast . ( Mic is alleged to have pulled at least 40 coffees before 9.00am ) At 10.00am about a dozen Cobras and a few other cars assembled in Coburg at Stahl Engineering where Paul Crocitti kindly displayed his state of the art engineering business complete with a few race cars , hosted some morning tea and provided a fantastic “AC“ key ring as a momento , fabricated on his equipment . A group photo of all Cobras followed by some nuisance rain , saw us leave for Werribee and travel via the western ring road and Princes freeway to Riverside Racing . Gary Gunn generously opened his impeccably neat and professional race parts and vehicle fabrication factory to us , where we drooled over lots of race cars and some fantastic component parts for racing engines and cars. The sunshine emerged in time for a short drive to Lance’s Werribee Roadworthy Centre to look at a few cool cars and enjoy a BBQ lunch and a few beers . As usual the Cobras attracted a fair bit of local interest at Werribee and on the road . A sensational club event, cleverly executed on the shortest day of the year !!

Thanks to Mic and our hosts for their generous efforts which made this a great day out .

Andrew Rodda

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