Cobra Car Club of Victoria

Club News

Caribbean Gardens Club Display - 8th February 2015
ADDED BY:Webmaster, Saturday February 28 2015 at 8:45:55 PM
EDITED BY:Webmaster, Saturday February 28 2015 at 8:57:24 PM
The inaugural Members Day event at Caribbean Gardens was held on Sunday 8th February 2015.

A warm sunny morning gave way to cloudy skies and mild temperature at Caribbean Gardens Market in Scoresby.

Great new club flags and portable signs marked the display area where 27 cobras, a GT 40 and one Dodge Viper delighted members of the public and Cobra owning aspirants.

Cars were well prepared and club members shared their interest and experience with the interested visitors.

A members vote for the best looking cars was held and prizes awarded without controversy!!

Thanks to Craig Evans for organising the first of what is planned to be an annual event for the club.

Brekky Run at Melissa's in Templestowe
ADDED BY:Webmaster, Sunday December 14 2014 at 9:56:43 PM
EDITED BY:Webmaster, Sunday December 14 2014 at 9:58:54 PM
Good turnout at Melissa's in Templestowe this morning, around 12 cars and 25 people showed up, including a Viper and a GT40. A few new members and cars there too, which was great to see, as well as some fresh faces looking at getting into the Cobra scene.

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